About Us

The Delaware Valley Section of NCNW was chartered September 10, 2020 during the Covid -19 pandemic with 150 sisters. Guided by out Core 4 (SHEE) we are excited to continue to grow our membership post pandemic through our section's membership outreach initiatives.
The National Council of Negro Women is an “organization of organizations” comprised of 330 campus and community-based sections and 33 national women’s organizations that enlighten, inspire, and connect more than 2,000,000 women and men. Its mission is to lead, advocate for, and empower women of African descent, their families, and communities.
NCNW was founded in December 1935 by Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, an influential educator and activist, and civil rights advocate. For more than five decades, the iconic Dr. Dorothy Height was president of NCNW. Beginning in March 2023, Rev. Shavon Arline-Bradley was appointed as the organization's President & CEO.
Today, NCNW’s programs are grounded on a foundation of critical concerns that are now "NCNW Priorities." Our organization promotes education; encourages entrepreneurship, financial literacy, and economic stability; educates women about good health and promotes healthcare access, civic engagement and advocates for sound public policy and social justice.
commitment | unity | self-reliance

Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune
The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. (NCNW) was founded in 1935 by Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune, one of America’s most inspirational daughters. The first in her family not to be born into slavery, she became one of the most influential women of her generation. The daughter of former slaves, Mary Jane McLeod Bethune became one of the most important black educators, civil and women’s rights leaders and government officials of the twentieth century. Born on July 10, 1875 near Maysville, South Carolina, Bethune was one of the last of Samuel and Patsy McLeod’s seventeen children. Bethune benefited from efforts to educate African Americans after the war, graduating in 1894 from the Scotia Seminary, a boarding school in North Carolina later attending Dwight Moody’s Institute for Home and Foreign Missions in Chicago, Illinois.
As an Educator In 1904, Bethune opened a boarding school, the Daytona Beach Literary and Industrial School for Training Negro Girls. Eventually, Bethune’s school became a college, merging with the all-male Cookman Institute to form Bethune-Cookman College in 1929. It issued its first degrees in 1943.
As a National civil rights pioneer and activist. Champion of African American women’s rights and advancement. Advisor to Presidents of the United States. A friend of Eleanor Roosevelt, in 1936, Bethune became the highest ranking African American woman in government when President Franklin Roosevelt named her director of Negro Affairs of the National Youth Administration, where she remained until 1944. She was also a leader of FDR’s unofficial “black cabinet.”
NCNW Pledge
We pledge to make a lasting contribution to all that is finest and best in America, to cherish and enrich her heritage of freedom and progress by working for the integration of all her people regardless of race, creed, or national origin, into her spiritual, social, cultural, civic and economic life and thus aid her to achieve the glorious destiny of a true and unfettered democracy.
“The true worth of race must be measured by the character of its womanhood.”
– Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune

"Believe in yourself, learn and never stop wanting to build a better world."
- Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune
Message from President Brunson, Esq.

Delaware Valley Section, NCNW
The Delaware Valley Section will address local needs by strategically “thinking globally and acting locally.” We endeavor to lead, develop, and advocate for women of African descent to support their families and communities through our volunteer efforts. We aim to collaborate with partners in the spirit of sisterhood to provide the residents of our service area with innovative public service and awareness-raising workshops, events, and programs. NCNW is an “organization of organizations,” a powerful network of nearly three million women. We believe in the power of collaboration and welcome opportunities to partner with our local 30+ affiliate organizations and community-based service providers that align with our purpose. If you are interested in working with us on a program, send an email to: president@delawarevalleyncnw.org to discuss the possibilities.
If you are already a member of our sisterhood and are looking for a section home, I invite you to join us at a section meeting or event. We will welcome you with open arms! NCNW is open to all persons without regard to gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. If you are a member of the community and you want to become more involved in strengthening families, creating economic opportunities, and building healthy communities, then membership within the Delaware Valley Section of NCNW is for you! Please consider becoming a member of our section and join us as we continue the legacy and vision that our Founder, Mary McLeod Bethune, began in 1935. The Delaware Valley section of NCNW will offer you a positive, uplifting, and supportive network of sisters (and brothers) who share a passion for the NCNW's mission.
Each NCNW member pledges to make a lasting contribution to all that is finest and best in America, to cherish and enrich her heritage of freedom and progress by working for the integration of her people regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin, into her spiritual, social, cultural, and civil life and aiding her to achieve the glorious destiny of a true and unfettered democracy
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that you will frequently return to obtain information about our upcoming events.
Onward in Service,
Ms. Brunson, Esq., Section President
Delaware Valley Section
National Council of Negro Women, Inc.
2024-2026 Executive Committee
Sister Brunson, Esq., President
Sister Blackson-Faust, First Vice President
Sister Fleming, Second Vice President
Sister Bryant, Third Vice President
Sister Brunson, Recording Secretary
Sister Houston, Corresponding Secretary
Sister Hughes, Asst. Corresponding Secretary
Sister Gould, Treasurer
Sister Roberts, Financial Secretary
Sister Scott, Parliamentarian
Sister Dr. Greene, Chaplain
Sister Atkins, Historian
Sister Jenkins, Immediate Past President
Budget and Finance Committee
Chair: Sister Gould
Bylaws Committee
Chair: Sister Scott
Good Health Wins Committee
Chair: Sister Saunders
Imani Circle of Fellowship
Chair: Sis. Dr. Greene
Media and Public Relations Committee
Chair: Sister Houston
Membership Committee
Chair: Sister Fleming
Program Committee
Chair: Sister Blackson-Faust
Social Justice Committee
Sister Alford
Sister Coleman
Sister Dr. Loury (National Co-Chair)
Technology Committee
Chair: Sister Phillips
Resource Development (Fundraising) Committee
Chair: Sister Gould
Youth and Young Adult Committee
Co-Chair: Sister Bryant
Co-Chair: Sister Dr. Crumdy