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Social Justice Updates

NCNW Headquarters extends sincere gratitude to all who joined the Social Justice Training on October 10. If you were unable to attend the training, please find the full recording below. Resources provided during the trainings are as follows:


Our Mission

The mission of the National NCNW Social Justice Committee is to provide a framework for local sections to promote civic engagement in our communities, and advance public policy that improves the conditions of women and families of African descent.

Our Vision 

The vision of the National NCNW Social Justice Committee is to have all sections across the country actively involved in activities that address the primary pillars of social justice which include access to resources, equity, participation, diversity, and human rights. By engaging in these activities on the local and national level, the current racial and gender disparities in housing, education, health, career advancement, socioeconomic status, legal system outcomes, and political representation will become more equitable, inclusive, and just.

  Our Values  

The values of the National NCNW Social Justice Committee are in alignment with the greater overall values of NCNW. Greater unity, partnership with similarly aligned organizations and communities, education, economic empowerment, spiritual development, positive cultural expression and tradition.

Goals and Objectives

  • Provide a clear framework for NCNW to address national and local social justice issues.

  • Advise and collaborate with the Executive Board to drive actions and responses to social justice issues that impact our communities.

  • Partner with peer organizations and affiliates to address pressing concerns that negatively impact Black women and their families.

  • Be a visible and vocal force on the social and political landscape to ensure our voices are included in public policy decisions and the governing of communities, schools, housing, health, and systemic legal issues.

  • Engage in activities that promote economic empowerment, financial literacy, collective wealth and sustainability.

  • Assist in having all NCNW sections create a Social Justice Committee (SJC) with an effective plan of action to address social justice issues within their communities, and assist with the national agenda.

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